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” Your Relief Is Their Pulse” Campaign

Following this afternoon’s Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, which left 44 martyrs and more than 360 injured, and in light of the continuation and escalation of this aggression, the Gazze Destek Derneği association has launched the “Your Relief Is Their Pulse” campaign.

The casualties of the aggression on Gaza 2022

Martyrs and injuries

  • 44 Number of martyrs (Children 15 – Women 4 – Elderly 4)
  • 360 Number of injuries


Affected Residential Units (destroyed or partially damaged)

  • 1764 The total number of affected residential units.
  • 1675 Partially damaged.
  • 16 Destroyed residential units.
  • 71 Uninhabitable residential units.
  • 9 Destroyed residential buildings.

Preliminary requirements for covering the damages;

  • Drugs and supplies          $30

  • Medical auxiliary device   $84

  • Food basket                     $30

  • Hospital fuel                     $2000

  • Urgent financial assistance to the families of the martyrs and destroyed homes $1,000
  • Providing a monthly rental allowance for families of destroyed houses $200

Contribute to alleviating the suffering of victims in the Gaza Strip

Your Relief Is Their Pulse” Campaign is launched for different communities in 4 languages (Arabic – English – Turkish – Indonesian) through the association’s social media platforms, aiming to expand the scope of the services offered by the association and benefit the widest possible segment. The association provides support to poor and needy families in Palestine through the projects and programs it implements.

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