Gazze Destek Organization;

GDD is a non-profit humanitarian and development organization founded in 2014 in Istanbul, Türkiye under registration number 34-209-183. We aim to address the humanitarian and development needs of vulnerable groups and refugees around the world. We strive to do this in accordance with international humanitarian principles and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as in line with the response and national development plans and officially ISO 9001:2015 certified.

We conduct thorough research on the humanitarian situation in affected areas and release reports through an annual international press conference in multiple languages. We also provide updated briefs on a monthly basis and even daily in emergencies, which are used to create a humanitarian and development response plan. These plans are developed in coordination and partnership with local and donor organizations and are implemented in a quickly and effective manner. Additionally, we are committed to the long-term impact of our interventions. We evaluate the sustainability of our interventions using GRI standards and assess the social impact of our projects through SROI standards through published reports. This helps us identify recommendations and lessons learned that can be used to improve the design of our future interventions.

Our Mission

GDD works to improve the quality of human life around the world, through humanitarian and developmental interventions that are based on Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, standards of integrity and transparency, principles of humanitarian work, and relevant local and international laws.

Our Vision

A world where every human enjoys a decent, dignified, and productive life in a sustainable approach.


Our Goals

  • Contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals SDGs.
  • Actively support humanitarian and development needs.
  • Support the human rights of vulnerable and marginalized groups.
  • Coordinate and integrate humanitarian and development efforts.
  • Participate in the development of the humanitarian and development capacity building for partners in targeted areas.

Our Values

  • Empowerment: Enhancing humans’ self-reliance in managing their own lives.
  • Justice: Adopting fair standards in assisting people regardless of their race, belief, or affiliation.
  • Partnership: Joint action enhances coordination and complementarity among Parties and maximizes the social impact of resources.
  • Professionalism: Adopting professionalism, speed, and creativity as the basis for all our projects, to maximize the impact of our services on society.

Our Intervention Areas

Social Sustainability

Decent Work Program:

Providing fair and sustainable employment opportunities for vulnerable families, youth, and vulnerable groups.

Decent Housing Program:

Improving the housing environment through renovation, furnishing, and providing rental subsidies for vulnerable families and people with disabilities.

Education Program:

Improving the quality of education by supporting students and educational systems at primary and higher education levels.

Health Care Program:

Providing health services for vulnerable patients, those affected by crises and disasters, and health institutions that take care of them.

Protection Services Program:

Enhancing community integration and solidarity for vulnerable groups, particularly children, women, people with disabilities, and refugees.

Food Security Program:

Contribution to reducing food insecurity for vulnerable families and poor nutrition for children.

Humanitarian Sustainability

Humanitarian Partnership Program:

Promoting partnership and collaboration with humanitarian partners to improve their performance in order to maximize the impact on the targeted beneficiaries.

Emergency Preparedness and Response Program:

Building a national strategy for crisis and disaster management.

Organizational Development Program:

The program aims to develop charities and humanitarian institutions and their workers.

Environmental Sustainability

Clean Energy Program:

Providing clean and sustainable energy for vital facilities (hospitals, universities, schools, water wells, …) and vulnerable groups.

Clean Water Program:

Providing clean, sustainable, and safe drinking water through digging wells and building and operating water treatment stations using solar energy and other safe transport means for water.

Institutional Developmental Program:

Providing effective and sustainable solid, industrial, and medical waste management services through the establishment of waste collection and sorting centers and the operation of recycling and composting plants using solar energy and other renewable energy sources.