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Your Support is Their Strength

As a result of the sudden Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip at dawn on Tuesday 09-05-2023, which led to the death of many martyrs and dozens of injured and the destruction and damage of several residential houses, we in the Gazze Destek Organization launched an urgent appeal entitled ” Your support is their strength ” to contribute to providing the necessary needs for the relief of those affected by the aggression.

Key interventions:

Medical Aid $84
Food baskets $30
Fuel for a hospital $2000
Medicines & Supplies $30
Financial assistance for an affected family $500

Your Support is Their Strength is implemented for different communities in 4 languages (Arabic – English – Turkish – Indonesian) through the association’s social media platforms, aiming to expand the scope of the services offered by the association and to benefit the widest possible segment. Support is provided to poor and needy families in Palestine through the projects and programs implemented by the association.