Al- Adha Campaign
On the occasion of the blessed Eid al-Adha, our hearts are filled with joy and happiness, while the hearts of our brothers in Gaza are drowning in pain, hunger and hardship. Children without toys, homes without food, wounds that have not yet healed and hearts that are eagerly waiting for a glimmer of hope to light up their dark lives.
As humanitarian conditions deteriorate, events escalate and the number of victims and casualties rise due to the ongoing aggression and severe shortages of medicine, fuel, food and water, our team continues its international emergency relief campaign (Gaza … Your Relief is Beat). This year, we are preparing for the Al- Adha Campaign campaign, where donations are made for sacrifices sourced from Egypt and India. The sacrifices are slaughtered according to Islamic law during the days of Tashreeq of Eid al-Adha in both Egypt and India, then cut, frozen, and transported to the Gaza Strip, with a shelf life of two years, through relief aid convoys to the Gaza Strip, aiming to alleviate the suffering of the displaced there.
Your donation today becomes a sacrifice slaughtered on Eid al-Adha, and its meat is distributed to the families of our people in Gaza.
Frozen Sacrifices
Frozen Sacrifices
Your donation makes a difference
Al- Adha Campaign
We strive to provide sacrifices for two million displaced people in Gaza
Reached 790000$
Goal 1.000.000$
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Fatih - Istanbul