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Your Sacrifice is their Eid Campaign

It is a blessed Eid al-Adha, but our people in Gaza welcome this month with hearts full of pain, loss, hunger and need!! With worsening conditions, increased incidents and severe shortages of medicine, fuel, food and water.

To achieve the principle of social solidarity and bring the joy of Eid to the hearts of needy children and families during the blessed Eid al-Adha, GDD has launched the annual Eid al-Adha campaign under the title “Your sacrifice is their Eid”, which aims through your donations to provide sacrificial meat and gifts (e.g., clothing, sweets, and toys for children).

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“YOUR SACRIFICE IS THEIR EID” campaign 1444-2023

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Donation Total: $100.00

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Your Sacrifice is their Eid Campaign

It is a blessed Eid al-Adha, but our people in Gaza welcome this month with hearts full of pain, loss, hunger and need!! With worsening conditions, increased incidents and severe shortages of medicine, fuel, food and water.

To achieve the principle of social solidarity and bring the joy of Eid to the hearts of needy children and families during the blessed Eid al-Adha, GDD has launched the annual Eid al-Adha campaign under the title “Your sacrifice is their Eid”, which aims through your donations to provide sacrificial meat and gifts (e.g., clothing, sweets, and toys for children).

Your Sacrifice is their Eid Campaign

Your donation makes a difference: Our aim is to provide aid to the two million people displaced in Gaza… By working together, we will be able to alleviate their suffering and regain their quality of life.

While our team in Cairo continues to prepare humanitarian aid and aid convoys, our team in Gaza continues to implement projects for needy and displaced people, aimed at relieving their suffering and alleviating their hunger.

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