The water crisis in the Gaza Strip governorates, exacerbated by the Israeli war, constitutes a humanitarian tragedy that is ravaging the lives of residents. The infrastructure of water networks and desalination plants has suffered partial or complete destruction, leaving residents facing a daily struggle to access drinking water. This is further compounded by the lack of fuel needed to operate these facilities. As a result, 67% of water, sanitation, and infrastructure facilities have been severely damaged, reducing the daily per capita water allocation to a mere 3 to 15 liters, compared to an average consumption of around 84.6 liters per day in 2022.

This severe water shortage, according to the World Health Organization, has led to a deterioration in overall health, the spread of diseases such as hepatitis A, diarrhea, and skin infections, negatively impacting personal hygiene and cooking, and increasing the risk of infection.

In the face of these challenging circumstances, the GDD team in Gaza has spared no effort in providing aid and supplying drinking water to displaced and affected individuals. Despite the immense challenges and limited resources, our team has managed to implement water provision projects that have alleviated the suffering of people, albeit to a small degree. This is part of our urgent humanitarian campaign “Gaza: Your Relief is Their Beat”, which we launched to provide relief services to those affected by the aggression against Gaza.

Our water provision projects included: (providing water tankers to displaced persons in shelters, supporting desalination plants by providing fuel and maintenance. We also worked on maintaining and drilling water wells, establishing new water networks, and adding sustainable solutions by installing solar power systems to operate water wells and improve energy efficiency).

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Our efforts extended to Egypt, where drinking water trucks were provided to deliver water to those affected in the Gaza Strip, in an attempt to alleviate the severity of this crisis.

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